Saturday, January 25, 2020

Cadbury Competitive Advantage Strategies

Cadbury Competitive Advantage Strategies 5. What is there about this companys strategy that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage? The following are several strategies that Cadbury had used to bid and acquire Adams into its confectionery business. Cadbury had created a dedicated M A team, which is under Stitzers strategy group, at corporate headquarters to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses. Besides that, Cadbury Schweppes brought in nearly 100 managers from divisions around the world to Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City for a two week workshop to refine the model and build commitment to the deal and the planned synergy numbers. Thirdly, Cadbury Schweppes had indentified the top tier of Adams management and began making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions. Next strategy is the mantra Best person, right to take the most qualified candidate to match the job that best suited him or her. They also assumed the merger as the potentially transformative event. Cadbury Schweppes had developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams. A steering committee would be set up with integration management team, and enable teams to achieve the full potential of the merger. Each of this strategies will be evaluated with 4 variables which are value added, rare, hard to imitate, and not easily substitutable. Any of these strategies which had fulfilled all of the four criteria will lead to the sustainable competitive advantage in order to bid Adams successfully from other potential bidders like Nestle, Wrigley, Kraft, Pepsico, Mars, Hershey and Pharma companies. According to the case, Cadbury is estimated ranked as the fifth in the line of potential bidders which is behind Nestle, Kraft, Mars and Hersheys. The first strategy is creating a dedicated merger and acquisition team to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses. We evaluated it as rare because not many companies would spend so many times and human capital to build a comprehensive business model of Adams and also human resources just to make one acquisitions. Besides that, there is a added value behind the team, whereby a team of talented people were gathered to make a strategic business model to bid Adams as they could see the future of Adams which can make Cadbury a leading confectionary company in the industry. It is also rather hard to imitate because the strategy of mergers and acquisitions were planned by whole department rather than just 5 people unit. This 5 people unit team is non-substitutable, as Cadbury is the first company with the team that already begun a comprehensive of Adams model of businesses which include detailed information about marketing and sales, list of potential cost and revenue syne rgies for each of 50 countries and etc. This strategy had proven how well that Cadbury analyzed on Adams before they make decisions to acquire a company. Moreover, Cadbury Schweppes brought in nearly 100 managers from divisions around the world to Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City for a two week workshop to refine the model and build commitment to the deal and the planned synergy numbers. We do not see this as rare because according to the case, competitors would have higher cost. This strategy has value creations because it has brought in the value of team work and stimulates closer relationship between managers from division of around the world. It is rather hard to imitate by many of the companies because, such strategy may require a very large cost by having two week workshop the synergy numbers that they planned in this strategy are easy to substitute because in the case, Stitzer claimed that the synergies were not large enough to support the price necessary to win the deal. Third strategy whom Cadbury Schweppes had indentified the top tier of Adams management and began making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions. This strategy has value creation because, before Cadbury identified and analyzed their organizational culture and its top management team whether it is suitable with Cadburys corporate culture to make a successful joint business in future or not. Furthermore, this strategy is considered as rare as it will help increase possibility of becoming the preferred purchaser for Adams as well Pfizer who is currently the CEO of Adams. It is also not easy to imitate by competitors, as not many top executives can win the chance to know Adams detailed corporate information as what Cadburys do. This strategy would be difficult to substitute by other competitors. For example Nestle, as they do not have much information about Adam especially regarding their corporate culture whether it would culturally fit wi th them or not, although they have large capitals to bid Adams over Cadbury. The fourth strategy with the mantra Best person, right job which means human resources will take the best qualified candidate to match the job that best suited him or her. Added value created by having the most qualified and talented employee to produce the best quality job for the company. Besides that, it is rare, because every company is unsure that it had any of their employees who could lead the large American divisions if Adams is successfully acquired. It is also hard to substitute as many managers did not have the experience to run an integrated business on a global scale. However, the mantra or slogan that Cadbury carry with them are easily imitated by others as every company have the same objectives to employ the best employee in order to help the company to achieve the utmost results as well as to improve productivity. They assume the merger as the potentially transformative event. This strategy has value added element where it is an opportunity to centralize, transform practices and create more shared services. Besides that, it is also rare that only Stitzer believed that this kind of acquisition may motivate others to accept changes towards better improvement. Furthermore, acquisition on Adams is something new on both cultural and social on the company itself. With such strategy in mind of every executives is hard and difficult to adapt my every organizations, as not everyone especially the senior executives will accept new changes or new cultural when a company are merged and have to change their rules and organizations which has caused this strategy hard to imitate. However, Cadburys senior managers foresee the merger and acquisition as an opportunity to restructure a new business model for Cadbury towards achieving leading confectionary company. There is very less substitute as Cadbury who wil l have a very motivating thinking towards accepting new changes which help the company to achieve sustainable advantage. Cadbury Schweppes had developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams. Such plan is rare because, within 90 days, all validation and planning of the synergies has to be complete and new synergy projects that needed to Beat the Model to be identified and mapped out. In addition, the plan is quite hard to imitate, as all the bidding preparation are required to work out within a short time and period whereby there is no other teams or competitors that could work out a successful integration plan in such a short period. Furthermore, we find out that it is quite hard to find another similar merger that could implement an integration will all the detailed work plan as well as synergy projects to be done within 60 days. Within the first 90 days monthly, all the monthly status report about merger integration and applicable synergies will begin in each department of the company itself, which indicated that the Cadbury has added value in terms of building st rategic plan to acquire Adams compared to other competitors. A steering committee would be set up with integration management team and enabler teams to achieve the full potential of the merger. This strategy contains regional value capture teams as well as functional value capture teams which are important to drive the company towards achieving sustainable competitive advantage. This is also rare because it is necessary to prepare huge amount of human resources to manage several teams in carrying out the integration plan. Furthermore, it is not easily imitated by competitors as not many companies would have interest to focus and spend time to organize a huge number of human capital to implement an integration plan just on the acquisition strategy which the company that acquired are not 100 percent would bring profits for the company itself. Besides that, Adams will also find hard to find other bidders like Cadbury whom had been making deep analysis and study about the corporate detailed information and there are some business similarities betw een Cadbury and Adams. In conclusion, out of so many strategies that Cadbury had implemented, only some of the strategies can lead to sustainable competitive advantage as they had fulfilled 4 criteria, namely added value, rare, hard to imitate and hard to substitute. The strategies are: (1) creating dedicated merger and acquisition team to replace autonomous and dispersed work by local businesses; (2) indentifying the top tier of Adams management and begin making determinations as to who they would like to keep in the event of successful acquisitions; (3) assume the merger as the potentially transformative event; (4) developed an exhaustive integration plan in the event of a successful bid for Adams; and (5) setting up steering committee with integration management team, and enabler teams to achieve the full potential of the merger

Friday, January 17, 2020

Evaluate Sociological Explanation of the Relationship

Evaluate sociological explanation of the relationship between gender and religious beliefs and practice. (33marks) Within religion, there are clear gender differences. In some regions, women aren’t to show any parts of their bare skin and are most certainly not allowed to become figures of religious authority, whereas in other religions, women are able to dress as they please and progress to one day become figures of religious authority. This difference in religion is also apparent in religious beliefs and religious participation.With regards to religious activity, and beliefs in God, sin, evil and life after death, generally speaking, more women than men participate in such activities. For example, in 2005 it was found that 1. 8million women in England were churchgoers, whereas only 1. 36million men were. Miller and Hoffman support this by finding that women express a greater interest in religion, have stronger personal commitment to it and attend church more, and this applie s to all ages, religious organisations and faiths.Bruce estimates that there are twice as many women than men involved in sects. Some sociologists have seen this difference in religious activity and beliefs as being connected to the different ways of which men and women see God – the god of love and forgiveness or the God of power and control. Sociologists have put forward several explanations for the gender differences in religious beliefs and practices, but most tend to focus on the reason for women’s relatively high level of participation and men’s low levels.Miller and Hoffman state that women are more religious because they are socialised to be more passive, obedience and caring – qualities that are valued by most religions, and it’s claimed that this is the reason why women are more likely to be attracted to religion then men. Men who are seen to have these qualities are also more likely to be religious, so perhaps it is not so much about the gender, and it is the way of which you are socialised.Miller and Hoffman also noted that women are more likely to have part time jobs, whilst also being fall time carers, so as a consequence of this, they have more room for organising their time to participate in religious activities. Women are also more likely to be attracted to the church as a source of gender identity. Greeley argues that taking care of other family members increases religiosity in women because it involves responsibility to ‘ultimate’ welfare as well as everyday needs. Similarly, Davie argues women’s closer proximity to both births – because they are those who give irth to their babies, as well as death because they are more likely to be the ones to look after the elderly when they are on their deathbeds. This brings them closer to ‘ultimate’ questions about the meaning of life that religions are ultimately concerned with. This also fits back in with the different ways me n and women come to see God. Women are more often associated with nature, and the healing role, because of this they may be more attracted than men to New Age Movements in particular.For example, Heelas and Woodhead found that 80% of participants in Holistic Milieu in Kendal are females, this is because such movements often celebrate the ‘natural’ and involve cults of healing which give women higher status and a sense of self-worth. Bruce argues women’s experience of child rearing makes them less aggressive and goal-oriented , as well as being more cooperative and caring, making them more attractive to New Age Movements. Men wish to achieve what women feel. Women may be attracted to New Age Movements because they emphases on the importance of being authentic, rather than merely acting out roles.Callum Brown argues New Age ‘self’-religion’s appeal to women’s wishes for autonomy and therefore attract women recruits. Women also on the othe r hand may be attracted to fundamentalism because of their certainties of a traditional gender role that it presents for them. Glock Stark, as well as Stark and Bainbridge argue that people may participate in religion because it compensates for social, organismic and ethical deprivation, which a person may be gaining a sense of. Glock and Stark argue these forms of deprivation are all common along women and this explains their higher levels of sect membership then men.Organismic deprivation stems from physical and mental health problems. Women are more likely to suffer ill health and seek healing through religion, and thus therefore more likely to join sects. With regards to ethical deprivation, women tend to be more morally conservative and thus are more likely to regard the world as being in moral decline and for this reason are attracted to sects, where their views are often shared. Social deprivation suggests that women are more likely to be poor, and this explains why there are more women than men in sects, since Sects try to gain their following from the poorer members of society.Feminists view religion as being mainly patriarchal. Many claim that religion is a patriarchal institution that systematically benefits males over females, for example in the sacred texts, where women are often unnamed. Alongside this, in almost all religions, the gods are all male, which suggests they claim women, have no power and sacred texts were also written and have been interpreted by males, and thus incorporate traditional male stereotypes and biases towards women.In some versions of Islam, women are not allowed to divorce their husbands, but their husbands may do so by saying so three times, alongside this, their husbands are allowed to have up to three other wives. In other religions, such as the catholic church, women aren’t allowed to have any involvement in religious practices other than becoming a nun, who is still seen as being subordinate in accordance to the other roles available for men, and they are also can participate in mass and so on by adopting their role as the Laity – women cannot become priests.In the church of England, women can become priests since the 90s, and in the church of Scotland, they could have become priests as early as the 1960s. Holms claim that the basis for women’s subordination is their sexuality. Menstruation is generally thought of to make a woman unclean and thus polluting holy places. This is why Hindu women are not allowed to go near family shrines when they are menstruating or pregnant. Muslim women are not allowed to come into contact with the Koran or enter the mosque whilst there are menstruating also.El Sadaawi claims that religion in itself is not oppressive towards women, women’s religious subordination stems from their oppression in the wider society. For example, the Bible and Koran were written in extremely patriarchal societies and scriptures used to justify and reinfor ce their position. Feminists point out that male and female characters in the Bible were not portrayed equally. Tough. Among the traditional regions, Aldridge points out that Quakers and Unitarians are very committed to gender equality, for example back in the 19th century, the Unitarians began ordaining women.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Vaccines And Its Effects On Children - 992 Words

Vaccines, while known as the painful occurrence at the physicians visits of your childhood, are responsible for eradicating many of the deathly diseases of the past. While no child likes being stuck with a needle, guaranteed immunity to certain life altering diseases is worth the slight prick. Recent movements regarding vaccines has shed a negative light on vaccines, and if they continue to grow attention, may bring back some of the diseases that were the initial issue. Vaccines are a very helpful tool in todays world, and failure to accept them could result in very serious issues. Prior to the popularity of vaccines, disease dominated the population, with hundreds of thousands of people dying annually. Many of those diseases that used to dominate, for example Small Pox or Measles, have been 99 to 100% eliminated since the introduction of vaccines to cure them. (CDC, 2011) People often forget how much of an epidemic it was before the vaccines, since they have been so successful at wiping them out.. Edward Jenner was the man responsible for eliminating small pox over 200 years ago, and ultimately created the foundation for vaccinations to follow. (Riedel, 2005) He figured out that people with a less dangerous disease, Cow Pox, were immune to Small Pox. He inoculated an eight year old boy with the cow pox disease, and while the boy got a little sick from the cow pox, he was later proven immune to Small Pox. (Riedel, 2005) Vaccines today work on a similar concept, but in aShow MoreRelatedVaccines And Its Effects On Children1404 Words   |  6 Pagesadverse reactions from the vaccines? Today, there are many vaccines, they are in such high demand that even a simple flu has a vaccine. Vaccines are created to protect us. The main function of vaccines it to build our immune system and fight against many bacterias. However, adverse reactions have become severe over the last couple of years, leaving some parents with no child. Therefore, parents shouldn’t be punished for not vaccinating their children because, vaccines can cause many adverse reactionsRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1503 Words   |  7 Pagesawful diseases, while that is the last thing on most of the world’s minds now. Vaccines have transformed human life. Parents should vaccinate their children because it saves lives, the vaccines are safe, and the risks of not vaccinating can harm children more than the vaccines themselves. Vaccines were created in 1796 by Edward Jenner, an English scientist. Edward Jenner formed the Royal Jennerian Institute when vaccines became more popular, but experienced some opposition towards it because of peopleRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1339 Words   |  6 PagesNowadays, there are many vaccines invented by different scientists. Vaccines are so much in demand that even a simple flu has a certain vaccine. They have been invented to protect us. Its main function is to build our immune system and allow it to work against different kinds of bacteria. However instead of helping us fight against infection and certain diseases, vaccines can be the main cause of infection and diseases. Because of its live-attenuated organism, which means the pathogens were partiallyRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1010 Words   |  5 PagesVaccines Debates have risen lately whether or not to vaccinate children. Although vaccines potentially cause negative side effects, they are a common procedure for most families each year. Over time, several case studies have developed highlighting these side effects and raised concern about whether or not to accept vaccines. However, many people are not familiar with the typical vaccine and what it actually does once inside the body. â€Å"A vaccine is consisted of killed or weakened versions of aRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1325 Words   |  6 Pages Vaccines are essential to a person’s everyday life and well-being. A person who sneezed in their hand just touched the same door handle that everyone else does. Most people don’t worry that they touched the same item or breathe the same air as someone else because the risk of them contracting a disease such as polio, or diphtheria are extremely low because most people are vaccinated against such diseases. Without the creation of vaccines the population of the world could be completely eliminatedRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1400 Words   |  6 Pages Vaccines have changed the life of children with making some illnesses obsolete. The majority of parents are making sure that their children get vaccinated against potentially serious diseases. The parents that get their children vaccinated are trying to prevent the reoccurrence of these deadly illnesses. The problem arises when you have these children that have not been vaccinated around children not of age to get the vaccine for a particular disease. The older children get the disease and giveRead MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children1463 Words   |  6 Pagesnot until 1796 when Edward Jenner revolutionized medical technology, with the first record of vaccines. Vaccines have diminished these diseases going from very common to little or none. Setting requirements on vaccines will not assist the reduction or eliminate them, but will also protect our youth from the wide-spread variety of deadly diseases. Multiple individuals do not truly understand what vaccines are and their true benefits and advantages of receiving them. When an individual gets ill,Read MoreVaccines And Its Effects On Children914 Words   |  4 PagesVaccines have saved millions of lives since they were first invented hundreds of years ago. But, they continue be a much debated topic among doctors and parents. Their benefits are often disputed because of so-called dangers related to their administration. Although vaccines are extremely effective, parents still have the power to decide if their children will receive them or not. As a result of parents choosing to not vaccinate their children, others may become ill and government spending increasesRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccines And Its Effect On Children915 Words   |  4 PagesThe Importance of Vaccines Having a baby utterly changes the perspective of the parent. They no longer are self- involved, but now have this new life they brought into the world. Nothing else can give a person the same joy that being a parent can bring. A parent would do anything for their child to protect them and give them the best life imaginable. A parent would never wish an illness upon their child and would do everything in their power to prevent their child from getting sick. With havingRead MoreChildhood Vaccines And Its Effects On Children1528 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed and debated about whether or not people should vaccinate their children. â€Å"Childhood vaccines offer protection from serious or potentially fatal diseases† (The Mayo Clinic, 2014)†. Vaccinations prevent diseases that can affect a child with symptoms of a cold or in some cases, the disease can be much more serious and can cause disability and death. The problem is that parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children against them. With choosing against vaccinating a child becoming a common

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Physical Activities And Physical Activity - 1367 Words

Physical activity Physical activity represents the most variable component of your total energy expenditure. This is the additional energy expended above RMR and DT and will contribute more to total daily energy expenditure in active individuals. Exactly how much it varies depends on how active your general lifestyle is, how often, how energetically, and for how long you participate in sports and exercise. There is people who wants to start exercising but the problem is they have no idea what to do or because they afraid. First thing to do is to motive yourself or go to the gym and ask for personal trainer and stay with him 6 months and you will understand what to do at the end. If you want to improve your heath then you must do two types of physical activity each week these are aerobic and strength exercise. Recommendation and guidelines If the adult people would age between 19-62 they should try and stay active on daily basis. They should do around 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, it includes cycling or fast walking every day. Strength do two or more days a week that would work all the major muscle. For example hip, legs, back, chest, shoulders and arms. Examples that count as moderate aerobic activity: Football, volleyball, skateboarding, cycling and hiking. To improve or stay healthy you will need to do two types of physical activity approximately each week aerobic and strength exercise. All the other exercise it depends on you for example how muchShow MoreRelatedPhysical Activities And Physical Activity2670 Words   |  11 PagesPhysical Activity According to World Health Organization (WHO) CITE, physical activity can be defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. Being physically active is one of the best ways to improve quality of life. Regular physical activity can be seen as one of the most necessary things when considering one’s health. Physical inactivity is identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality provoking approximately 3.2 million deathsRead MorePhysical Activity1565 Words   |  7 PagesPromote young children’s physical activity and movement skills 1.1 Explain why physical activity is important to the short and long term health and well being of children Physical activity is important to the short term and long term health and well being of children. In the short term physical activity helps children to build muscle, develops the skeletal frame, develops the heart and lung function and helps prevent obesity. If children have enough physical activity a day which is said toRead MorePhysical Activities And Physical Education826 Words   |  4 Pagesparticularly physical education is viewed as unnecessary. Physical education is unquestionably required in order to create well prepared students ready to face the working field in the future. In order to achieve this, administrators must stress the importance of physical activity within the goals of physical education core programs. By doing this, physical activity can show improvement in the students’ health, academic performance, self-esteem and mental health. Physical activity is beneficialRead MorePhysical Activity And Physical Education1983 Words   |  8 PagesShould physical activity be required in secondary schools regularly? I would say so, physical activity helps with almost everything someone can imagine from health, sports and even learning. Physical activity may be tough for some people but it will always help out in the long run. Physical activity and physical education not only about playing sports as you will see in this essay. Heath control’s one of the main reasons for physical activity. A example exercising, exercising on daily can helpRead MoreSport And Physical Activity744 Words   |  3 PagesSport and physical activity in general is extremely important to me, for both its physical and emotional benefits, and I am passionate about taking part in it myself and encouraging others to do the same. I have experience in a wide range of sport- and exercise-related activities, such as dance, swimming, athletics and tennis, but my passion is pole dancing and aerial silks, which I have been practicing for the past two years. While I have always been curious about how the world works, it wasRead MoreSex Is A Physical Activity1607 Words   |  7 Pagesanticipation increases and they admire each others’ bodies before the real game â€Å"sex† begins. But what is sex? The dictionary definition of sex seems to be deficient, suggesting that sex is a physical activity in which people touch e ach other s bodies, kiss each other, etc. It even goes on saying that sex is a physical activity that is related to and often includes sexual intercourse. However, I reject the claim that the actions of solely kissing and touching one another constitutes as having sex. I argueRead MoreA Report On Physical Activity1459 Words   |  6 Pages1 Terms of reference On the instructions of the teacher/lecturer a report on physical activity in young people is required for submission. Recommendations as appropriate are to be included. 2 Procedure 2.1 The project was discussed and agreed with the lecturer/teacher. 2.2 With the prior agreement of the head teacher 25 questionnaires for children and adults were distributed at the local school. 2.3 Various books and papers from the library were analyzed. 2.4 Information was obtained from The AmericanRead MorePhysical Activity Essay1410 Words   |  6 Pagesknow also learn how physical activity has the potential to prevent health risks from young children. One of these health risks is obesity, which affects Middle Childhood children from the ages of 6 - 11years of age. Therefore, how has society prevented childhood obesity and what strategies can be implemented to develop and promote awareness of physical activity amongst children? If young children are to be educated and advised about the important benefits of physical activity and healthy lifestyleRead MoreExercise Is A Physical Activity1221 Words   |  5 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is important as a means of rehabilitation. Because physical activity is beneficial b oth physiologically and psychologically, more people should schedule it in their daily routine. Physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your body. EveryoneRead MorePhysical And Emotional Benefits Of Physical Activity1222 Words   |  5 PagesDespite the physical and emotional benefits of moderate physical activity, most Americans are not getting enough exercise to sustain healthy behavior and reduce their risks of illness. A lack of physical activity has been shown to be a risk factor for several conditions. Less active people tend to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, as well as feelings of anxiety and depression (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2015). Studies have shown the physically inactive people have